
Other words for housing allownace
Other words for housing allownace

other words for housing allownace

This will provide you with the same form, in French, and will allow you to check more or less how much you’ll get.

  • You can simulate the application procedure here.
  • Your housing rental contract, stating the amount of your rent, etc.
  • Your gross income from two years ago (income tax returns, etc.) – we’ll get to this later.
  • Your bank account details (also known in France as your RIB).
  • You’re going to need the following information as well Here it is.īut the online application is still in French. The CAF in Maine-et-Loire (where Angers is located, département 49) translated the physical form into English. One of the unfortunate things with the CAF is that their website is entirely in French. In other words, if you are sub-renting your apartment, you cannot get this allowance, since the rental contract has to be in your name. (this is, in theory, mainly because often a student apartment rental agreement has a 9-month duration. You have to live in it at least 8 months in the year You have a student resident permit (long term).Ĥ. Currently renting an apartment (or sharing with another person)ģ. TC’s quick tip: try to move in at the beginning of the month, and if you move out, try to do so at the end of the month (the very last day). You avoid extra hassles that way (such as paying back the CAF for overpaid allowances, since if you move out in the middle of the month, then they consider that you don’t get an allowance for that entire month.ġ. This guide is a combination of personal experiences and the CAF guide (which they translated and can be found here). The amount of the allowance depends on where you live, the price you pay for rent, your income from two years ago (and the year before). This is often called CAF (short for caisse d’allocations familiales which is the agency in charge of this). INR 60,000 will be exempt from Sameer’s total income under section 80GG.Housing Financial Assistance: CAF / APL from Possibly one of the coolest and most generous of benefits here in France is that International students that have valid resident permits (the initial OFII sticker or a titre de séjour) are entitled to housing allowance called the APL ( aide personalisé au logement).

    other words for housing allownace

    25% of the total income: INR 1,80,000.INR 5000 per month i.e annually INR 60,000.

    other words for housing allownace

    Rent paid (-) 10% of the total income: INR 1,68,000.The least from the following will be exempt from Taxes: He pays house rent of INR 2,40,000 to his landlord He receives a House Rent Allowance of INR 3,00,000 per month. Sameer works for a pharma company in Ahmedabad and receives a salary of INR 7,20,000. If you do, you can’t claim a deduction for rent paid under section 80GG. Hence, check your Salary Slip to see if you are receiving any House Rent Allowance. The important point to keep in mind is that deduction under Section 80GG is not allowed to an individual who receives House Rent Allowance from an employer. Rent paid minus 10% of the total income.If all these conditions are fulfilled, a deduction is available as the least of the: Do not own self-occupied residential accommodation at any other place.Or your spouse or minor children do not own residential accommodation at the place of employment.Don’t receive any House Rent Allowance from your employer.So you can claim a deduction from total income if you: Under Section 80GG, a deduction is allowed to an individual who pays rent without receiving any House Rent Allowance. Explore What if I don’t receive any House Rent Allowance?

    Other words for housing allownace